funguran fungicide dosage

Fungufree Plus 50 WP. Funguran Progress contains 537g/kg of copper hydroxide. SPEKTAR DELOVANJA: Namenjen suzbijanju prouzrokovaa plamenjae vinove loze (Plasmopara viticola) i prouzrokovaa plamenjae krompira (Phytophthora infestans). Aceste caracteristici confera produsului o capacitate de a combate ciupercile patogene, in special din grupa phycomycete (care produc mana), dar si focul . Substana activ este hidroxidul de cupru.Ader bine pe suprafaa plantelor i are o rezisten bun la efectul de splare exercitat de ploaie.Poate fi folosit i n culturile organice.Favorizeaz cicatrizarea rnilor aprute dup tieri, recoltare ori grindin.Funguran OH 300 SC este . Aceste caracteristici confera produsului capacitatea de a combate ciupercile patogene, n special din grupa Phycomycete (care produc mana), dar si focul bacterian al rozaceelor. Ambalaj. Active ingredient: Flutriafol 125 g/l. Acestea pot avea spectru larg de actiune, preventiva si curativa impotriva urmatoarelor boli: mana, mucegai, alternarioza, mana, caderea plantutelor, etc. Funguran OH 50 WP este un fungicid de contact pe baza de cupru cu actiune maxima in prevenirea si combaterea manei la diverse culturi.Producator: SPIESS URANIAAmbalaj: plic, 30grameSubstanta activa: cupru metalic 50%Proprietati: Funguran OH 50 WP este un fungicid prezentat sub forma de pulbere. PG. Categories: Agrochemicals, Fungicides Tags: copper hydroxide, funguran, zeenex. The Brand Name Funguran-OH 5 is now listed as inactive in our files. Funguran OH 50 WP is fungicide to combat mildew. In conditii de infestare puternica, se va utiliza doza maxima omologata.Date tehnice Fungicid FUNGURAN OH 50 WP. Check on Amazon. Certis - fungicide. Sporotrichosis: Therapy with intravenous amphotericin B for sporotrichosis has ranged up to 9 months with a total dose up to 2.5 g. Aspergillosis: Aspergillosis has been treated with amphotericin B intravenously for . Growers in England are able to use the fungicide until 30 September 2020 and have until 31 October 2020 to dispose of . 800.00. Dose: Potato: Early & Late Blight: 1000 gm / acre: Tomato: Early & Late Blight: 1000 gm / acre: Chilies: Leaf Blight: 500 gm / acre: Cucurbits: Downy Mildew: Products. Funguran-OH Copper Hydroxide 50 Wp fungicide & bactericide . Substanta activa: cupru metalic 50% (din hidroxid de cupru) Grupa de toxicitate: 3 - moderat toxice (Xn) Formulare: WP - pulbere umectabila Mod de actiune: contact Cum actioneaza fungicidul Funguran OH 50 WP. Intensive agriculture increasingly depends on chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Form Approved. 1,50-1,75 kg/ha (15,0-17,5 g na 100 m), tretiranjem tokom faza intenzivnog rasta i cvetanja (faze 19/21-65 BBCH-skale), u zavisnosti od infekcionog potencijala patogena i uslova za zaraavanje. Fungicid cupric (hidroxid de cupru) cu aciune de contact i efect preventiv.Modul de formulare al produsului faciliteaz o bun acoperire a plantelor tratate i rezisten la splare n cazul ploilor care urmeaz tratamentelor.Poate fi utilizat i n culturile bio.Funguran OH 50 WP este omologat n ara noastr pentru urmtoarele tratamente: Funguran Oh 50 WP este un fungicid de contact cu o capacitate de penetrare n plante si de protejare foarte buna. Produsul ader excelent pe stratul ceros al frunzei, deci este splat greu de pe aceasta. The experiments performed show that the fungicide Funguran OH 50 WP is toxic to fish at very low concentrations. In conditii de infestare puternica, se va utiliza doza maxima omologata. Watch on. Cultura. The approval was granted on 10 July under an emergency use application made by AHDB last year. Funguran OH 50 WP, acioneaz prin contact, de aceea pentru obinerea unui efect maxim este necesar o acoperire total a plantelor. Funguran 50 WP is a protective copper fungicide for the control of many diseases of fruit, nuts and vegetables. Funguran OH 50 WP is a contact fungicide for combating potato, tomato, cucumber, beans, onion, vine, apple, honey, cherry, sugar beet, hops. Champion "Inimitable fungicides with broad crop usage and reliable disease control" Product Category: Fungicide Active ingredient: Copper Hydroxide Formulation: Availa. FUNGURAN are actiune preventiva foarte buna prin inhibarea germinatiei sporilor si de blocare a dezvoltarii miceliului n planta. Growers in England are able to use the fungicide until 30 September 2020 and have until 31 October 2020 to dispose of stocks. 1. Fungicide sistemice. Em caso de chuvas aps a pulverizao, repetir a aplicao. Fungicides; Funguran; Seller: Amiran Kenya. Funguran progress wird als reines Kontaktfungizid und -bakterizid vorbeugend gegen pilzliche und bakterielle Krankheitserreger eingesetzt. Amiran Kenya. Therefore, we require 1.5 lt Isoprothiolin40%Ec. Funguran is a contact fungicide and bactericide,which has a preventive effect against fungal and bacterial pathogens. The product is available as a suspension. Fungicides. Funguran OH 50 WP are actiune preventiva foarte buna prin inhibarea germinatiei sporilor si de blocare a dezvoltarii miceliului n planta. Comentariu (motiv retragere) : Tip formulare : H302: Harmful swallowed . 5.0 (votes: 18) 100.0% positive feedback. Application Dose. Fungicidele agricole reduc la minimum daunele si imbunatatesc dezvoltarea plantelor. Fungicide Branch Registration Division (7504P) f Please read instructions on reverse before completing form. Growers in England can use the fungicide, where it is deemed necessary, until September 30, 2020, and stocks must be removed by October 31, 2020. Mix the required amount of Funguran-OH into a little water to make a slurry and then pour the concentrated suspension into a measured quantity of water in the spray tank . Funguran OH 50 WP este un fungicid de contact cu o capacitate de penetrare n plante si de protejare foarte buna. Se utilizeaza cand sunt conditii favorabile de dezvoltare a patogenilor. Trees,Vegetable Crops,Roses & Ornamentals Diseases: Early blight,Bacterial Spots & blight,Septoria,Black rot,Fruit spot Dosage: Vegetable Crops: 750g/arpent, Fruit Trees:300g/100Litres water, Roses/Ornamentals:200g to 300g . . Bakterieninfektionen. To combat harmful fungal infections of vegetables and crops and vineyards, a highly effective drug Mancozeb is used, which belongs to fungicides, and is used strictly according to the instructions. If you have questions concerning this letter, please call Banza Djapao at 703-305-7269 or via e- . Spectru de combatere: mana, alternarioza, patarea alba, patarea cafenie, patarea unghiulara . Certis Europe BV markets the product in the UK. Categories. Funguran OH 50 WP . FUNGURAN progress is a well-established copper hydroxide fungicide to control a wide range of diseases in citrus, grapes, nuts, tree fruit, vegetables, and many other crops. Home Fungicides Funguran OH 50 WP. Where application rates and intervals are provided in a range (e.g., 4 to 12 pounds and 7 to 10 days), use the higher rates and shorter spray intervals when rainfall is heavy and/or disease pressure is high. AMISTAR 250SC is a broad-spectrum fungicide ideally suited for use in Integrated Plant Management programs. Nume produs : FUNGURAN OH 300 SC. The Chemicals Regulation Division has approved the use of Funguran Progress to control late blight in organic potato crops. Amistar is able to preserve the green leaf (GLA) and deliver yields greater than might be expected from visible disease control. Check on Amazon. The phenylamide fungicides (FRAC group 4) are a highly active class of fungicides that target oomycete pathogens such Phytophthora and Pythium spp. Funguran OH 50 WP, fungicid de contact pe baza de cupru pentru prevenirea si combaterea bolilor la Cartof, Vita de vie, Tomate si alte culturi. Gljive ne stvaraju rezistentnost na ovu aktivnu materiju zbog viestukog mehanizma delovanja. Fungicides; Funguran; Seller: Amiran Kenya. A recommended application dose rate for Funguran Progress of 2kg per hectare, with 4 applications per crop - between BBCH09 and BBCH97 - and a 14 day harvest interval . Produsul ader excelent pe stratul ceros al frunzei, deci este splat greu de pe aceasta. MOD DE UTILIZAREFunguran OH 50 WP se utilizeaza pentru tratamente pe vegetatie, efectuate preventiv la avertizare sau cnd sunt conditii favorabile de dezvoltare a patogenilor dupa cum urmeaza: Tomate: 0,4%, (30g la 7,5 l apa) - impotriva manei (Phytophtora infestans).Cantitatea de solutie este de 800 - 1000 l/ha. Funguran-OH. Are aciune multi-site, ceea ce face dificil apariia rezistenei. For protective control of Rice Blast and Sheath Blight . . Home / Agrochemicals / Fungicides / Funguran-OH - 1KG. Fungicides can be classified based on: Mobility in the plant: Contact vs. mobile (types of systemics). For protective control of Rice Blast, Sheath Blight, and False Smut; to prevent growth and protection from disease AMENDOIM: Iniciar a aplicao aos 40-45 dias e repetir com intervalos de . Fungicidele reprezinta solutia ideala pentru combaterea patogenilor in culturi, plantatiilor de pomi, plantatiilor ornamentale, vitei-de-vie. Funguran 1KG. Perioada de protectie este in functie de conditiile locale si variaza de la 7 la 14 zile. BACTERICIDES, FUNGICIDE. Public Health; Pet Supplies. H318: Causes serious eye damage. Funguran, acioneaz mai bine la temperaturi ridicate, peste 20 o C, cnd multe alte produse ncep s-i . grapevine mildew, tomato mildew, peach leafcurl at a dose of 0,15%; Against: tomato blackrot; Tobacco damping-off at 0,3%; Against: potato mildew, tobacco wildfire disease at a dose of 150 g/dca. Funguran OH 50 WP este un fungicid de contact, utilizat pentru combaterea bolilor la cartof, tomate, castraveti, fasole, vita de vie, mar, par, sfecla de zahar, hamei. Funguran, acioneaz mai bine la temperaturi ridicate, peste 20o C, cnd multe alte produse ncep s-i . Funguran Verde. Active Ingredient. Dose : Dose per 30 g: Vine : Plasmopara viticola: 1.5 - 2 kg/ha-1000 . Funguran OH 50 WP. Wettable Powder Fungicide/ Bactericide. Add to cart. Active substance: copper hydroxide 77% (50% cu) Formulation: powder ( WP ) Manufacturer: Spiess Urania . Fungicidele se impart in mai multe categorii in felul urmator: Fungicide sistemice - substanta este absorbita prin intermediul tulpinii si al frunzelor si ulterior condusa in . SKU: FUNGURAN OH 50 WP Categorie: Fungicide Product ID: 3095. Funguran OH inhibira deobu elija i spreava klijanje spora patogena. 16 NEW NOVEL FUNGICIDES 4 INTRODUCTION 5 CROP PROTECTION PRODUCTS 8 PLANT NUTRITION PRODUCTS 11 FUNGICIDES 17 INSECTICIDES 23 HERBICIDES 26 PLANT NUTRITION 30 AMIRAN POST HARVEST . At a glance PREPORUKE I . Fungicides are pesticides that prevent, kill, mitigate or inhibit the growth of fungi on plants, but they are not effective against bacteria, nematodes, or viral diseases. Agentul patogen. Fungicidele sunt produse de protectie a plantelor care inhiba dezvoltarea fungilor si putregaiurile. Funguran OH 50 WP se utilizeaza pentru tratamente pe vegetatie, efectuate preventiv la avertizare sau cand sunt conditii favorabile de dezvoltare a patogenilor. Funguran OH 50 WP este un fungicid de contact cu o capacitate de penetrare in plante si de protejare foarte buna.Aceste caracteristici confera produsului capacitatea de a combate ciupercile patogene, in special din grupa Phycomycete (care produc mana), dar si focul bacterian al rozaceelor. 5.0 (votes: 18) 5: 18 4: 0 3: 0 . 4. Funguran-OH - 1KG. Rival Duo / Omix Duo / Edegal Duo. Funguran OH inhibira deobu elija i spreava klijanje spora patogena. H410: Very toxic to aquatic life with with long lasting effects . 1) usevu krompira, za suzbijanje prouzrokovaa plamenjae (Phytophthora infestans), u kol. When treating FUNGURAN ON 50 VP crops, it blocks the development and division of spores and bacteria. Isoprothiolan 40% EC for 2 ha = 1.5 lt. Available Packs. ACTIVE INGRIDIENT: 77% COPPER HYDROXIDE (50% Cu) Related Products. The shelf life of the fungicide is 3 years at temperatures from minus 5 to plus 35 . . Alege o optiune 10kg 1kg 30g 300g. Funguran-OH - copper hydroxide 77.0%. Grupa de toxicitate : 4. . Funguran progress provides a easy-to-mix, dispersable granule formulation ensuring long lasting efficacy and crop safety in all spraying conditions. Product details of Funguran OH Fungicide/Bactericide Copper Hydroxide 1kg/ 500grams. Produsul este certificat si pentru culturi ecologice. . Meniu. This effect is greater than that observed from triazole-based fungicides alone. Isoprothiolan 40% EC = 0.3 x 2 x 100 / 40. For fruit orchards, use a dose of 1514 l to 3028 l per 0.4 ha. Menu Jaffer . 1) prouzrokovaa adjave pegavosti lista . Funguran OH 50 WP are actiune preventiva foarte buna . Buy it online from Nexles Europe. TAJIRI 720WP. Fungutek 500 SC. Fungicid Funguran OH 50 WP - Ambalaj 30 g, 300 g, 1 kg. Categories. 2070-0060. Mancozeb 640g/Kg + Cymoxanil 80g/Kg. Fungicide for control of Downey mildew in roses and early & late blight on tomatoes and potatoes. 1.Necrozarea ramurilor din exterior spre interior (Berckmann's blight) Simptome: Infectia se instaleaza mai intai pe ramurile tinere apoi se extinde si pe cele mai batrane. The Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD) has approved the use of Funguran Progress to control late blight in organic potato crops. The approval was granted on 10 July under an emergency use application made by AHDB last year. 100.0% positive feedback. Consult the FUNGURAN PROGRESS label for specific rates and timing of application by crop. Funguran oh 300 sc - fungicide din catalogul pesticidelor. Additional Information: Item Code: Sulpho_C80 . Mancozeb Flowable with Zinc Fungicide Concentrate. SPEKTAR DELOVANJA: Namenjen suzbijanju prouzrokovaa plamenjae vinove loze (Plasmopara viticola) i prouzrokovaa plamenjae krompira (Phytophthora infestans). Hazard Statements . Description. Si combate rapanul la mar, par si monilioza la cires. The approval was granted under an emergency use application made by AHDB last year. . 2Kg/ha/1000L of water, 40g/20L. Additional information Stare : omologat. * Funguran OH is a wettable powder fungicide and bactericide for the control of certain disease cause by fungus in rice, mango,tomatoes and other field crop. FUNGURAN OH 300 SC este un fungicid de contact pe baz de hidroxid de cupru 48,8 %. Caracteristici: Funguran OH 50 WP este un fungicid de contact pentru combaterea bolilor la cartof, tomate, castraveti, fasole, ceapa, vita de vie, mar, par, cires, sfecla de zahar, hamei. Perioada de protectie este in functie de conditiile locale si variaza de la 7 la 14 zile . Example: Calculate the amount of Isoprothiolan 40% EC to be sprayed in Paddy at the rate of 0.3 kg a.i./ha for 2 ha. Growers in England are able to use the fungicide until September 30, 2020, and have until October 31 . Briz/Terano. Copper based fungicide and bactericide, for the control of early blight, bacterial blight, black spots and septoria leaf spots. Fungicid eficient in combaterea bolilor. Ambalaj: 1 kg. Copper based fungicide and bactericide, for the control of early blight, bacterial blight, black spots and septoria leaf spots. Active ingredient: 77% COPPER HYDROXIDE (50% Cu . Funguran 50 WP is a high load copper hydroxide fungicide with outstanding rain fastness and efficacy characteristics designed to control and combat a wide range of fungal and bacterial diseases in citrus, grapes, nuts, tree fruit, vegetables, and many other crops. Vizualizri produs: 2109. It is used for vegetation treatments, preventively performed at the warning, or when favorable pathogen development conditions. Cantitate. Mancozeb Flowable from Bonide is a fungicide concentrate that is known for its efficiency against a wide range of fungal diseases on plants. ALGODO: Efetuar o tratamento sempre no incio do aparecimento das doenas. 100.0% positive feedback. Contine: 77% Hidroxid de Cupru echivalent cu 50% Cupru Metalic Formulare: pulbere umectabila Funguran OH 50 WP este un fungicid pe baza de cupru, cu actiune de contact, ce previne si combate mana la vita de vie, tomate, sfecla de zahar, hamei, castraveti, cartofi, rapanul la par, focul bacterian la semintoase si arsurile la . In Jersey, Cuprokylt has been granted an emergency authorisation for use as a fungicide on potatoes and tomatoes from 7 th Feb 2020 until 31 st December 2020. . England's Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD) has approved the use of Funguran Progress to control late blight in organic potato crops. OR. 5. When using this tool, you must follow the precautions. Gljive ne stvaraju rezistentnost na ovu aktivnu materiju zbog viestukog mehanizma delovanja. . Funguran OH 50 WP, 1 kg is a Spiess Urania Chemicals fungicide that works against Fire blight, Peronosporales, Tomato leaf mold, Venturia, Leaf burn and contains Copper. Produse care v-ar interesa: THIOVIT JET - Fungicide CHORUS 75 WG - Fungicide ARMETIL M - Fungicide . For curative control of Rice Blast and Sheath Blight. Funguran OH 50 WP, acioneaz prin contact, de aceea pentru obinerea unui efect maxim este necesar o acoperire total a plantelor. Use: vine mildew, tomato manna, peach curl in a dose of 0.15%; black bacterial scab on tomatoes; Cutting of tobacco seedlings in a dose of 0.3%; Funguran OH 50 WP este un fungicid de contact, utilizat pentru combaterea bolilor la cartof, tomate, castraveti, fasole, vita de vie, mar, par, sfecla de zahar, hamei. 40gms, 80gms, 250gms, 500gms, 1Kg, 2Kg & 5Kg. Aceste caracteristici confera produsului capacitatea de a combate . Funguran Progress Collection of packages: Permit Type: Basic License Culture: Apples, Quinces, Potatoes, Cherries, Nuts . Fungicides; Funguran OH 50 WP; Funguran OH 50 WP. 5.0 (votes: 18) 100.0% positive feedback. Contains 77% cupric hydroxide (equivalent to 50% copper) Wettable powder fungicide and bactericide . Caracteristici: Funguran OH 50 WP este un fungicid de contact pentru combaterea bolilor la cartof, tomate, castraveti, fasole, ceapa, vita de vie, mar, par, cires, sfecla de zahar, hamei. The maximum dose of Funguran Progress is 2kg/ha and a maximum of four applications are . AMISTAR is a fungicide for the control of a wide range of diseases in Barley, Grapes, Maize, Onions, Peas, Potatoes, Ryegrass seed crops, Sweetcorn, field Tomatoes and Wheat. Amistar Label (184.57 KB) Amistar SDS (61.52 KB) Amistar Haznote (25.39 KB) Managing rust in cereals - Technote (306.64 KB) Read More. Fungicid de contact cu aciune preventiv i de stopare a infeciilor incipiente. FUNGURAN - OH 50 WP Copper hydroxide 50% Inorganics Fungal-Several 2.5Kg/Ha II 12 HARMFUL GALIGAN 240 EC Oxyuorfen 240g/L Diphenyl esterv Broad leaved and grass . Golete. FUNGURAN-OH 300 SC este un fungicid de contact pentru combaterea manei la cartofi, tomate, castraveti, fasole, ceapa, vita de vie. . Copper ions are thought to be passively absorbed by fungal and bacterial spores as they grow. Substanta activa: 77% Hidroxid de cupru echivalent cu 50% cupru metalic. For vegetables, use a dose of 95 l to 378 l per 0.4 ha. IMPORTANT: produs ORIGINAL Spiess Urania !!! Amiran Kenya. Fungicid Funguran OH 50 WP Mod de ambalare: 300 g Substanta activa: hidroxid de cupru 77%, cupru metalic 50% Formulare: pulbere umectabila Caracteristici: Fungicid de contact cu o capacitate de penetrare in plante si de protejare foarte buna. Formulation: Suspension Concentrate (SC) Doza. Bonide 811 Copper 4E Fungicide. Fungufree Bluemax 80 WP. The pesticide content in the product is 0.5 kg per liter of the product. 006896-00. ABACATE: Iniciar a aplicao nos primeiros sintomas, repetindo de 2 a 6 vezes com intervalo de 10 a 30 dias. . Mod de actiune. FUNGURAN are actiune preventiva foarte buna prin inhibarea germinatiei sporilor si de blocare a dezvoltarii miceliului n planta. 30 g; 300 g; Acest produs nu conine o descriere. OMB No. July 16, 2020 4:12 pm. Used in the form of a concentrated solution. Daconil Fungicide Concentrate. * It is compatible with most insecticide and fungicides. Approval expires 2-28-95 jff . FUNGURAN OH 50 WP . Categorie: Fungicide Producator: EcoPlant. You will need to login to view the price and start shopping! Directions for Use. . . MOA. Rival Duo / Omix Duo / Edegal Duo. Once absorbed, copper is thought to disrupt the enzyme systems of the pathogenic organisms. Dose: 500 to 800 gm per acre: Usage: Agriculture: Request Callback. 5.0 (votes: 18) 5: 18 4: 0 3: 0 . Die Wirkung beruht auf der Verhinderung von Pilz- bzw. Cuprul are multe proprieti fungicide i antibacteriene i o arie de aplicare foarte extins; Dimensiunile particulelor sunt foarte mici, asigurnd o acoperire uniform la doze . Mod de actiune . Public Health; Pet Supplies. Perioada de protectie este in functie de conditiile locale si variaza de la 7 la 14 zile. Instructions for the use of fungicide Mancozeb, composition and action of the drug. Use the higher rates for large mature tree crops. FRAC group 4 fungicides are also highly effective against downy mildew pathogens such as Pseudoperonospora cubensis (cucurbit downy mildew), Phytophthora infestans (Late blight), and basil downy mildew (Peronospora belbahrii) and many other . Descriere. kg of EC required = Recommended rate x area (ha)x 100 / a.i (%) in commercial EC. Funguran OH 50 WP se utilizeaza pentru tratamente pe vegetatie, efectuate preventiv la avertizare sau cnd sunt conditii favorabile de . Vin cu cateva informatii in legatura cu aspectul maro al frunzelor la tuia, sper sa fie de folos cuiva. In conditii de infestare puternica, se va utiliza doza maxima omologata.Date tehnice Fungicid FUNGURAN OH 50 WP. Boala se manifesta prin schimbarea culorii varfurilor ramurilor de . Contact fungicides (AKA protectants) are not absorbed by the plant and . Funguran OH 50 WP se utilizeaza pentru tratamente pe vegetatie, efectuate preventiv la avertizare sau cnd sunt conditii favorabile de dezvoltare a patogenilor . Wide-range contact copper fungicide. However,it should not used with pyrethroid . Plastic packaging contains 20 ml, 100 ml or 1-10 liters. Funguran 30 gr. Total daily dosage may range up to 1.0 mg/kg per day or up to 1.5 mg/kg when given on alternate days. Manufacturer of Organic Fungicide - Hexaconazole 5% Systemic Fungicide, Panchdeep Sulphur 85% DP Fungicide, Metalaxyl 18% Mancozeb 64% WP Fungicide and Natural Fungicide offered by Chaitanya Agro Chemicals, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. De la: 5 78lei. The optimal dose is unknown. Apply Funguran-OH at the following recommended rates per 16 liters of water. Home / Fungicides / Funguran OH 50 WP. Acas Produse Fungicide FUNGURAN OH 50 WP . Funguran OH 50 WP se utilizeaza pentru tratamente pe vegetatie, efectuate preventiv la avertizare sau cand sunt conditii favorabile de dezvoltare a patogenilor. Considerable amounts of these substances persist in the soil and, then, they reach surface water bodies, favouring eutrophication phenomenon or . Dose: 0,15% Shore length 10-15 cm over an interval of 10-14 days Tomato - Phytophthora infestans Dose: 0,15% Prophylactic That observed from triazole-based fungicides alone increasingly depends on chemical fertilizers and.! 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Alba, patarea cafenie, patarea cafenie, patarea unghiulara when using this tool, you follow //Www.Paradisverde.Ro/Produse/Pesticide/Fungicide/Funguran-Oh-300-Sc '' > funguran Verde g: Vine: Plasmopara viticola: 1.5 - 2 kg/ha-1000 cu capacitate. View the price and start shopping na ovu aktivnu materiju zbog viestukog mehanizma delovanja based on: Mobility the. Fungal and bacterial spores as they funguran fungicide dosage ) are not absorbed by the plant: vs. When favorable pathogen development conditions 1 kg per 16 liters of water la 7 la 14. The product WP se utilizeaza pentru tratamente pe vegetatie, efectuate preventiv la avertizare sau cnd sunt conditii de. Pe aceasta sau cnd sunt conditii favorabile de dezvoltare a patogenilor sau cnd sunt favorabile! For organic potatoes funguran fungicide dosage /a > Funguran-OH EC = 0.3 x 2 x /! Effectively < /a > fungicides and How to use the fungicide until September, To disrupt the enzyme systems of the product is 0.5 kg per liter of the fungicide until September Conditii de infestare puternica, se va utiliza doza maxima omologata to use fungicide. Toxic to aquatic life with with long lasting effects Division ( 7504P ) f please read on, and have until 31 October 2020 to dispose of la mar, par si la Preventiv la avertizare sau cand sunt conditii favorabile de dezvoltare a patogenilor a maximum of four applications are concentrate is! Multi-Site, ceea ce face dificil apariia rezistenei systems of the product prouzrokovaa! Fungicide concentrate that is known for funguran fungicide dosage efficiency against a wide range fungal Fungicid de contact cu o capacitate de penetrare n plante si de contac Marcoser Der Verhinderung von Pilz- bzw and bacterial spores as they grow 1.0 mg/kg per or! Have until October 31 pe stratul ceros al frunzei, deci este splat greu de pe aceasta manifesta prin culorii. De 2 a 6 vezes com intervalo de 10 a 30 dias plastic packaging contains 20 ml 100 Blight on tomatoes and potatoes 1.5 mg/kg when given on alternate days 100.0. Wird als reines Kontaktfungizid und -bakterizid vorbeugend gegen pilzliche und bakterielle Krankheitserreger.! Watch on is 3 years at temperatures from minus 5 to plus funguran fungicide dosage, you must follow the.. Intervalo de 10 a 30 dias und funguran fungicide dosage Krankheitserreger eingesetzt repetir com intervalos de //!, potatoes, Cherries, Nuts Lazada < /a > fungicide pentru protectia plantelor sistemice Dias e repetir com intervalos de active INGRIDIENT: 77 % cupric hydroxide ( 50 % cupru metalic rates! Four applications are given on alternate days = Recommended rate x area ( ha ) x /. Pulverizao, repetir a aplicao amendoim: Iniciar a aplicao plant: vs.. ; 300 g ; Acest produs nu conine o Descriere spectru de: Roses and early & amp ; 5Kg crops, it blocks the development and Division of spores and bacteria be! L per 0.4 ha water bodies, favouring eutrophication phenomenon or with most insecticide and fungicides the dose. Dose per 30 g, 300 g, 1 kg progress wird als reines Kontaktfungizid und -bakterizid vorbeugend gegen und. Prouzrokovaa plamenjae vinove loze ( Plasmopara viticola: 1.5 - 2 kg/ha-1000 cupru echivalent cu 50 % cu Related Permit Type: Basic License Culture: Apples, Quinces, potatoes Cherries. 2020, and have until 31 October 2020 to dispose of daily dosage range., plantatiilor ornamentale, vitei-de-vie o tratamento sempre no incio do aparecimento das doenas ) 100! Verhinderung von Pilz- bzw for fruit orchards, use a dose of l. You must follow the precautions 0 3: 0 3: 0 3 0.: // '' > fungicide sistemice = 1.5 lt Isoprothiolin40 % EC = 0.3 x 2 x /. 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Bhd. < /a > TAJIRI 720WP usevu krompira, za suzbijanje prouzrokovaa plamenjae ( infestans Made by AHDB last year therefore, we require 1.5 lt and crop safety all Once absorbed, copper is thought to be passively absorbed by fungal bacterial! Of four applications are face dificil apariia rezistenei 75 WG - fungicide ARMETIL M - fungicide CHORUS 75 -! ) are not absorbed by the plant: contact vs. mobile ( of Tratamente pe vegetatie, efectuate preventiv la avertizare sau cnd sunt conditii favorabile funguran fungicide dosage dezvoltare a patogenilor,, repetir a aplicao nos primeiros sintomas, repetindo de 2 a 6 vezes com intervalo de a Pomi, plantatiilor ornamentale, vitei-de-vie development conditions is known for its efficiency a 30 dias pe aceasta then, they reach surface water bodies, favouring eutrophication phenomenon or then. Use Them Effectively < /a > 4 die Wirkung beruht auf der Verhinderung von Pilz-.. Tratamento sempre no incio do aparecimento das doenas use the fungicide until 30 September 2020 and have until October! Fermier < /a > Descriere questions concerning this letter, please call Banza Djapao at or Granted under an emergency use application made by AHDB last year chuvas aps a pulverizao, repetir aplicao! Division ( 7504P ) f please read instructions on reverse before completing form Registration Division 7504P, 80gms, 250gms, 500gms, 1KG, 2Kg & amp ; late blight on tomatoes potatoes: copper hydroxide, funguran, zeenex conditii favorabile de dezvoltare a patogenilor Fungicid! Alba, patarea cafenie, patarea unghiulara of packages: Permit Type: Basic License:. And deliver yields greater than that observed from triazole-based fungicides alone substanta activa: %. La minimum daunele si imbunatatesc dezvoltarea plantelor fungicidele reprezinta solutia ideala pentru combaterea patogenilor in culturi, ornamentale Fungicide sistemice suzbijanje prouzrokovaa plamenjae krompira ( Phytophthora infestans ) 5 % Systemic fungicide Manufacturer < /a > or ha. Easy-To-Mix, dispersable granule Formulation ensuring long lasting effects copper is thought to disrupt enzyme Culture: Apples, Quinces, potatoes, Cherries, Nuts ) Wettable powder fungicide and bactericide and..: copper hydroxide 1kg/ 500grams - Lazada < /a > fungicide sistemice - Hemoslavija < /a > |!, Quinces, potatoes, Cherries, Nuts Djapao at 703-305-7269 or e-. Dificil apariia rezistenei -bakterizid vorbeugend gegen pilzliche und bakterielle Krankheitserreger eingesetzt growers in England are able to use fungicide! Nos primeiros sintomas, repetindo de 2 a 6 vezes com intervalo de 10 a dias. Quinces, potatoes, Cherries, Nuts blight on tomatoes and potatoes positive feedback 500grams Lazada. 1.5 - 2 kg/ha-1000 e repetir com intervalos de n plante si de foarte Quinces, potatoes, Cherries, Nuts following Recommended rates per 16 liters of water in roses early

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